With the A,B,Z decoder / TTL pulse counter, A,B,Z pulses can be detected and output as a position on an LCD.

ABZ decoder
With the A,B,Z decoder / TTL pulse counter, A,B,Z pulses can be detected from a rotary encoder, an angle encoder or a pulse generator and output as a position on an LCD. The decoder is well suited for evaluating a glass scale on a milling machine. The hardware processes input frequencies of up to 7.5kHz.
Via two buttons various settings can be adjusted.

There is also the possibility to remote control the ABZ decoder via serial interface (RS232-TTL) or via USB/RS232 adaptor, that can be connected to a PC. The PC software handles parameter settings as well as diagnosis functions.

The pulse counter can be parameterized so that the position information is included with none or with two decimal places. Both positive and negative positions are displayed with eight digits. The evaluation of the index signal (Z pulse) can be deactivated if the encoder does not support this. Alternatively, the null-position can be set using the set/reset button. The decoder can be mounted via flanges on the housing.
  • supply voltage: AC/DC power supply
  • supply current: <10mA
  • input frequency: up to 7.5kHz
  • PCB board size: 72x50mm
  • mounting: 2 flanges

  • Layout: TARGET3001! / Firmware: MPLAB IDE / Software: Borland C++Builder
You need a special decoder or application?

Please feel free to contact us for further information.

Further encoder / decoder:

impuls counter
TTL counter