The SSI converter is designed to decode SSI-encoder positions of up to 8 channels and transmit them over LAN.

SSI converter
The SSI converter is designed to decode multiturn SSI-encoder positions of up to 8 channels. It works with encoder that outputs up to 24bit gray coded signals. The SSI converter then computes absolute positions in a range of ±32766mm for each channel and transfers those data with timestamps (1ms resolution for each channel) to a controlling device via ethernet. This data includes also information for error detection. Because of variable IP addressing you can use multiple SSI converters within a local area network. The SSI converter works in listen-only mode. This means, that there has to be a clock generating peripherie to supply the encoder.
There is a PC software, that monitors the encoder values, sets position limits for each channel, computes transfer function values between SSI-encoder signals and absolute positions and much more. This SSI converter is used to operate in systems with AC or DC motors and SSI encoder.
There is also an other useful tool for the SSI converter named SSI signal converter. This device has up to 3 digital input pins and converts those input signals into an encoder position with timestamp. Just plug it to any free channel. The PC software is then able to display signal changes with regard to a position. This can help you to analyse dependencies e.g. in end-switch bouncing or finding breaking points etc.
  • supply voltage: 12VDC - 30VDC (< 4W)
  • monitoring of up to 8 channels
  • calculated positions: ±32766mm (resolution: 1mm)
  • ext. encoder: 8..24bit (max 350kHz)
  • transmission cycle: 100MBit/s LAN (UDP with 1ms timestamp)
  • PC diagnostic tool
  • OEM version possible

  • Layout: TARGET3001! / Firmware: MPLAB IDE / Software: Borland C++Builder
You need a special SSI or OEM application?

Then feel free to contact us for further information.

further SSI products:

SSI Converter  
SSI signal converter  
SSI signal converter backside