burn-in testrack for 128 devices

Burn-In testrack
With the help of the integrated electronics consisting of a controller board and distributor boards it is possible to examine up to 128 test devices at the same time. The controller board uses a WLAN interface to communicate with the testing software and is able to connect up to 8 distributor boards. Every distributor board can handle up to 16 test devices. The burn-in rack is separated into 2x16 single positions on every side. It is not necessary to occupy every position with a test device, as the software controls this functionality. Additionally there is a valve block with 8 single valves that distribute a special examination gas to the test devices. LEDs are indicating states and operation modes (e.g. voltage present, overcurrent, valve positions, test function in progress or ready etc). Sensors are measuring the temperature at different locations in order to turn on a fan if necessary.

Of course, a test adapter is always developed customer-specifically. Our main focus here is on electronic development and the testing software.
  • Supply Voltage: 230VAC.
  • Output Voltages: 24VDC, 6VDC.
  • Interface: WLAN
  • Periphery: valves, fan, pressure sensor, temperature sensor

  • Layout: TARGET3001!
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Distributor board
Controller board